Sign the Petition to Support the Corvette Museum’s Motorsport Park


Sign the Petition to Support the Corvette Museum's Motorsport Park

Yesterday we wrote about the National Corvette Museum’s Motorsports Park submitting an amended detailed development plan to the city-county planning commission. The new development plan seeks to create additional noise abatement structures on the property which would help deflect and lessen the noise from the track. That plan will be considered and discussed at a public meeting on March 17th.

One of highlights of the story that we wanted to bring greater attention to was a petition drive designed to show the support for the National Corvette Museum as they work to be good neighbors with the residents in the surrounding area.

We need everyone’s help so please sign the petition to show Bowling Green that you support the National Corvette Museum and the NCM Motorpsorts Park.

The petition to support the NCM Motorsports Park reads:

We support the NCM Motorsports Park and want it to be successful as long as the neighbors’ ability to enjoy their homes and properties is not adversely affected. Therefore, we support the park’s request for an Amended Detailed Development Plan from the City-County Planning Commission to develop noise abatement structures to further protect neighbors. Moreover, we believe that the National Corvette Museum and NCM Motorsports Park are assets to the community as demonstrated by the $35 million in economic benefits they generate for the City of Bowling Green. We applaud their efforts to serve as a good corporate citizen and neighbor, and urge the favorable consideration of their application.

Sign the Petition!

And if you are in the Bowling Green area, please consider attending the public meeting on Thursday, March 17th at 6:00pm CT. The public meeting is held at the City-County Planning Commission at City Hall on the 3rd floor, room 1001.

Thanks again to Laura Gilbert of Bowling Green who created the online petition.

“We feel like the museum and the track are a huge part of this community and its economy,” Gilbert told the Bowling Green Daily News. “The folks at NCM have lent a hand and we started the petition. It’s really important people understand what the NCM means for Bowling Green. We have a lot of support here in Bowling Green but, honestly, a lot from the folks all over. These are people who love coming here and spend money here.”


NCM Motorsports Park Submits New Noise Plan to Bowling Green’s Planning Commission
Corvette Museum’s Motorsports Park Could be Heading for a 2016 Jury Trial Over Noise Dispute
[VIDEO] Neighbors File Lawsuit Against the National Corvette Museum

