Motor Trend Takes Us Inside the Corvette’s LS3 V8


LS3/LS2 Comparison GraphMotor Trend has a nice write up about the LS3 with the focus on how engineers were able to wrangle an additional 30-36 with the LS3 compared to the LS2 Corvette engine. The article goes point by point though the LS3 V8 showing with illustrations how each component works and how the slight modifications play their role in generating more horsepower and torque over the LS2. The article concludes with the following:

The result of these changes and more is in increase in peak output rise from 400 hp/400 lb-ft to 430/424 or 436/428 with the low-restriction dual-mode exhaust system. Fuel economy is expected to remain unchanged (though changes in the way EPA numbers are calculated will make it seem as though economy has worsened). There is still no guzzler tax, the car runs on regular fuel, and emissions are even improved-by 40 percent in NOx and 12 percent in hydrocarbons. The LS3 is even more efficient to manufacture. It’s a true win-win-win situation.
For more on the LS3, visit Motor Trend
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