[VIDEO] LG Motorsports GT2 Corvette Catches Fire at Long Beach


LG Motorsports GT2 Corvette Catches Fire at Long Beach

The LG Motorsports #28 Corvette is known for its Black and Flames livery on its GT2 Corvette, but at Long Beach this weekend the heat was turned up a notch following a collision with one of the BMW M3s. The BMW tried an inside pass as LG Motorsports co-driver Boris Said had the angle. The two cars both spun out with little damage appearing to the GT2 Corvette. However a couple of laps later, flames were seen surrounding the car as Said stopped in the safety runoff lane at Turn 1 and bailed out of the Corvette.

The team was running in seventh place when fire broke out. Replay clearly shows flames inside the cockpit. We’re very much glad that Boris is alright, but this has got to be a devastating loss for car owner Lou Gigliotti and the LG Motorsports team. We’ll check with Lou to find out more later this week.


Lou gives us an update via AmericanLeMansFans.com

I just want to thank the corner workers for putting out the fire fast and helping boris out.

their quick action turned what would have been a 100% totaled car into only 20% damage, and they probably helped to squelch the fire as boris was exiting.

Either way it was a bad day.

The contact with the BMW crushed the right side exhaust pipe which then caught the carbon fiber on fire. Then on the high speed straight it blew the flames onto a fuel line with pressure in it. When that burst, the car essentially blew up into flames.

Boris is ok but he will have a few weeks of sleepless nights with the burns on his arms and eyes.

His face is swollen today and he is not happy.

Thanks to all the forum members that came by.

We will see you at the races but not sure when. Thanks

Video Credit: ABC

[VIDEO] #28 LG Motorsports GT2 Corvette Qualifying in St. Pete

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