[PICS] C6 Corvette Char-Grilled in the Ukraine


C6 Corvette Char-Grilled in the Ukraine

These photos come to us from English Russia showing the aftermath of a Corvette that burned while parked along a residential street in the Ukraine. Despite a police report that states that traces of arson were not detected at the scene, English Russia believes the car was burned because people “can’t stand those rich punks riding their hundred thousand dollar cars when around everything looks ruined and school teacher’s salary is $100/month.”

C6 Corvette Char-Grilled in the Ukraine C6 Corvette Char-Grilled in the Ukraine C6 Corvette Char-Grilled in the Ukraine
C6 Corvette Char-Grilled in the Ukraine C6 Corvette Char-Grilled in the Ukraine C6 Corvette Char-Grilled in the Ukraine
C6 Corvette Char-Grilled in the Ukraine C6 Corvette Char-Grilled in the Ukraine C6 Corvette Char-Grilled in the Ukraine
C6 Corvette Char-Grilled in the Ukraine C6 Corvette Char-Grilled in the Ukraine C6 Corvette Char-Grilled in the Ukraine

We’re hoping the Corvette C6 wasn’t burned as a result of class warfare. The site of the American-born sports car should lift up people up with visions of freedom and liberty – a shining 4-wheel version of the Statue of Liberty. Unfortunately, due to huge European taxes and shipping, Corvettes can sell for double or even triple their costs in the States and so there is a certain resentment from the locals.

English Russia

[VIDEO] July 4th Fireworks Destroys Man’s 1989 Corvette

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