Flying Car Wrecks Corvettes


I find it amazing when searching some of the aggregator sites for Corvette news, all I can find are stories about how some guy dies while speeding in his Corvette. This blog will not be the place for these types of stories, but in some cases when a Corvette is involved in a spectacular crash, and nobody was injured, it may be worth commenting on.

And such is the story behind Pat and Mike Shannon, owners of a 1990 and 1995 Corvette, as well as a 1993 Cadillac Seville.

Imagine waking up and hearing a horrendous crash in the middle night and finding out that all three of your cars were destroyed by a drunk driver.

A New Paltz, NY man had left a party down the street from the Shannon house. He lost control of his car, drove up a lawn and went airborne with his car over a steep dropoff.

Getting air for at least 15 feet, his car landed on top of all three vehicles the Shannon’s owned, a 1993 Cadillac Seville, a blue 1990 Corvette and a red 1995 Corvette. The impact pushed the Cadillac into the SShannon’s garage.

The Shannons had purchased the red Corvette only two months earlier. They had made arrangements to sell the blue Corvette, and the buyer was scheduled to arrive in a few days to complete the purchase.

Click here for the entire news article



  1. Real question is why are the cars not in the garage? Cause its full ot garbage like everyone elses? Flying car or not, if you own a decent car probably best to keep out of the elements.

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