Classic 1962 Corvette Rolls Into a Connecticut Pond


Classic 1962 Corvette Rolls Into a Connecticut Pond

We all know Corvettes are named after a “speedy ship” and we also know they make pretty lousy boats. Just ask Mark Weiss who watched helplessly Thursday evening as his classic 1962 Corvette rolled down an embankment and submerged in Mead Pond in New Canaan, CT.

According to Weiss, he was out for a drive when the car started experience problems with the battery. He had parked the white ’62 Corvette near a wall boardering the pond and was speaking with a friend when he noticed his car beginning a slow roll down the embankment and into the water. Weiss states that he must have left the car in neutral or bumped it out of gear for it to get away from him.

Classic 1962 Corvette Rolls Into a Connecticut Pond Classic 1962 Corvette Rolls Into a Connecticut Pond Classic 1962 Corvette Rolls Into a Connecticut Pond

The local fire department was called to the scene and divers attached tow truck hook to the car and were able to retrieve it from the pond.

Source: and

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