[VIDEO] First Teaser for the C8 Mid-Engine Corvette Hits the Web


[VIDEO] First Teaser for the C8 Mid-Engine Corvettes Hits the Web

Fasten your seatbelts because the first teaser for the C8 Mid-Engine Corvette hit the web today via Corvette’s official Facebook page. Now that the reveal date has been set, we are expecting to see a lot more of these leading up to the 07.18.19 launch date.

The video begins with Corvette Chief Engineer Zora Arkus-Duntov strapping himself into a race car and then we hear “Is Your Seatbelt Fastened?” and then “Alright…Let’s Go”. The voice could be something once said by Zora as its heavily accented as was the speech of the first Corvette Chief Engineer who was born in Belgium and grew up in Leningrad, Russia.

[VIDEO] First Teaser for the C8 Mid-Engine Corvettes Hits the Web

Imagery of the video shows a NASA rocket blasting off, a fast moving jet coming straight at the viewer, and a POV video of a car on a racetrack interspersed with quick edits of previous mid-engine concepts. We also catch a prototype 1953 Corvette testing and see Zora blasting around Pikes Peak in CERV I. A date counter starts at 00.00.00 and then rolls upwards to display the 07.18.19 reveal date.

Finally, we see a quick view of the C8 Corvette prototype on the track.

Here is the video from Corvette on Facebook:

Each innovation, each achievement has driven us to this next generation. The mid-engine Corvette is unleashed on 07.18.19. Don’t get left behind: https://s.chevy.com/w87u8

After watching the video about 100 times, we went through it to capture some of the hidden images that were edited into the video:

[VIDEO] First Teaser for the C8 Mid-Engine Corvette Hits the Web

[VIDEO] First Teaser for the C8 Mid-Engine Corvette Hits the Web

[VIDEO] First Teaser for the C8 Mid-Engine Corvette Hits the Web

[VIDEO] First Teaser for the C8 Mid-Engine Corvette Hits the Web

[VIDEO] First Teaser for the C8 Mid-Engine Corvette Hits the Web

[VIDEO] First Teaser for the C8 Mid-Engine Corvette Hits the Web

[VIDEO] First Teaser for the C8 Mid-Engine Corvette Hits the Web

[VIDEO] First Teaser for the C8 Mid-Engine Corvette Hits the Web

[VIDEO] First Teaser for the C8 Mid-Engine Corvette Hits the Web

[VIDEO] First Teaser for the C8 Mid-Engine Corvette Hits the Web

Corvette /Facebook

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