2009 Corvette Price Guide Released


2009 Corvette Price GuideOur Corvette classifieds website VetteFinders.com has released its annual Corvette Pricing Guide and later this week we’ll be posting an analysis of the Corvette pricing trends from 2008.

But what a difference a year makes! As the state of the US economy took its toll on housing, banking and automotive sectors, it also dipped down to effect the Corvette collector car market.

The days of double-digit appreciation are behind us, replaced with more modest gains that most owners should find acceptable given the current climate. There are 55 Corvette models produced from 1953 through the 1988 Anniversary Edition and 38 of them are showing single digit appreciation with another 4 models showing no-change in average price.

We continue to see the first through third Corvette generations bidding and selling well – providing they are original and documented. Those restored with high performance motors continue to break $100,000 threshold, however, there has been some slippage with these big-ticket Corvettes recently. We’ll have more on the top models from both an appreciation and depreciation perspective later this week.

What makes the 2009 Corvette Price Guide unique compared to other guides is the research and cataloging of prices from the actual sales of over 5,800 Corvettes in 2008. This gives us the High, Low and Average prices of all Corvette model years and body styles. The guide also contains appreciation and depreciation figures for One, Two and Five years, as well as pricing for options including motors, wheels and A/C. This method has proven year after year to be a statistically accurate measure of the Corvette Market.

The free online version features the average prices of over 125 different Corvette models spanning 1953-2009. The printed version, which contains High/Low and Average prices as well as appreciation/depreciation percentages is available for $15 and can be purchased through the VetteFinders.com online store. Shipping is free.

Bob Kroupa of VETTE-N-VESTMENTS, is the data provider for the annual guide and publisher of the monthly Corvette Market Letter.

Data Provided by Vette-N-Vestments

Corvette Values: 11-mile 1978 Corvette Pace Car
Corvette Values: 1970 Corvette Roadster
Auction Results: Barrett-Jackson Corvette Sales Total $10 Million

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