Corvette Coins and their Ilk Cheapen the Brand


Corvette CoinsI started seeing these coins on CNBC a couple of days ago. Some podunk country offers up their coinage to some “collectors” mint who designs a coin that is an exclusive legal, non-circulating tender. Oh, and it’s such a limited deal that you can only buy five. Give me a break. These are simply trinkets that are designed to do one thing and one thing only. Separate you from your money. And since when is .925 considered pure? As a Corvette owner, you obviously have some discretionary money to spend. Are you so gullible to allow these predatory companies think they can separate you from your money simply because it has a Corvette logo on it? Reminds me vaguely of the dialogue in the Chris Farley movie Tommy Boy. Rewritten, it would sound like this, “You could take a dump in a box and then slap a Corvette logo on it and then some sap would feel good about it, and would buy it.” See what I’m saying? In the end, all you really have left is a box of crap that won’t get you three bucks on eBay. You’d be better off putting the $19.95 (plus $4.95 shipping and handling) in your gas tank and going for half a days cruise. Or buy that one little part that you’ve been putting off forever. Me? I think I’m finally going to order that hubcap inset that I lost oh, three or four years ago. For those of you who haven’t see the commercial, it’s playing on For those of you who just have to have it because, gasp, it celebrates the 100 year anniversary of GM, order your box of crap Corvette Coins at
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  1. When I saw that commercial I thought the exact same thing. Wow someone else trying to take advantage of those suckers who will buy anything with the word corvette on it. And a coin that has lights on it? Please. They say in the motorcycle sales game "there’s an ass for every seat".

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