Saturday Morning Corvette Comic: Buying a New Corvette is So Hard


Saturday Morning Corvette Comic: Buying a New Corvette is So Hard

I’m seeing a therapist after several months of simply trying to decide on what color to get!

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  1. It is very true and very real distress. The delay in Caused by waiting so long to purchase a Corvette. It’s absolutely insane to have to wait and plan for a year if you’re lucky. It really makes me wonder about some of these dealers that you tout such as Furman
    Who get an a large allotment because they sell a lot of cars, a very large number, which are sold all over the country and even drop shipped to other Corvette dealers. And I have to wonder if that is one of the reasons it takes so long for us to order a Corvette from a small dealer, it seems to me that these large dealers should be sticking to their local area for sales to put everybody on an even playing field.

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