GM’s Free Corvette Restoration Package


Do you own a classic Corvette? If so, grab your phone and have your Corvette’s vehicle Identification Number (VIN) available because GM offers a free Corvette restoration package for those of us living in the States. The package contains year specific data sheets including production numbers, facts, options, original pricing, colors, chassis and engine info including casting numbers. A second part of the restoration package includes some basic information on storage and care, period ads, clubs and museums and a list of GM Restoration Parts dealers.

The package is available by calling 800-222-1020 and asking for your Free Corvette Restoration package. It usually takes between a week or two to receive. I heard about this and received my package years ago, but a recent tip on the Forum reminded me about it.

I’m not sure what the cutoff years are but is sounded like the request is good for at least C1 to C3 owners and perhaps even early C4’s as well. This is a nice touch from the General to offer this free information for Corvette owners on cars sold 30, 40 and even 50 years ago. And as one forum member stated, you can’t beat the price!


Mike Yager’s Corvette Bible

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