Wanted: Owner with Modded Z06 Seeks Competition


When you have a high performance sports car that you just dumped a bunch money into, usually you can’t wait to hit the streets to see what she can do against the competition. One enterprising poster on the D.C.’s Craiglist takes it a step further. He’s advertising. His ad seeks some pretty heavy hitters for “Performance Evaluations” including an AMG SL65 and a Ford GT. Oh, and if your law enforcement, you need not apply. Here is the advertisement:

I own a modified corvette 2002 Z06 and would like to do some testing versus the AMG SL65 V12 Twin Turbo and/or Ford GT Supercar…for straight-lined acceleration performance evaluations. Will pay for gas. I’m not law enforcement.
Law enforcement need not reply to this ad.

Craigslist Related: MPH Mag’s Dream Z06 Review Technorati Tags:
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