[VIDEO] C5 Corvette Torched in a Suspicious Fire in Arkansas


C5 Corvette Torched in a Suspicious Fire in Arkansas
Photo Credit: 5NewsOnline

Not everyone loves Corvettes as much as we do, apparently.

Just ask the owners of this 2000 Corvette convertible.

They’ve had to call Fort Smith, Ark., police twice in the past two weeks, the first time when they discovered bullet holes in their Corvette as well as a truck in the driveway.

Then Thursday, March 12, about 2 a.m., the news turned much worse. That’s when police and the Fort Smith Fire Department both had to be called out after the family dialed 911 to report their Corvette was on fire in the front yard in the 700 block of North 18th Street.

Firefighters managed to put out the blaze before the body was toast, but the interior has definitely seen better days. Would you like your leather seats original recipe or extra crispy?

“We had a full response coming [to the scene], but once the first pumper arrived they cancelled everybody else because the car was out in the yard (so) they were able to handle the fire and get it extinguished,” Battalion Chief Skip Mathews said.

C5 Corvette Torched in a Suspicious Fire in Arkansas
Photo Credit: 5NewsOnline

Further investigation discovered the blaze apparently started on the passenger side of the Corvette, where the most damage was done.

“Everything’s just gone inside,” Mathews said. “It’s just completely destroyed.”

With all the mysterious happenings going on recently surrounding the Corvette, the Fort Smith fire marshal will be taking over the investigation of what he termed a “suspicious fire.”


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